D.T.P. by Lee -- Daily Tales and Punditry

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

D.T.P. by Lee Is Now Officially Retired

The domain: dtpbylee.com

Born: January 30, 1998

Reborn as a blog: January 26, 2003

Laid to rest: March 2, 2004

The successor to this blog is Second Initial. Consider this message as confirmation that dtpbylee.com’s RSS feeds will no longer be updated. Please join me at the Second Initial and, by all means, feel free to interact via comments and occasional polls.

My dear readers, let not your browsing patterns be troubled. Ye believe in blogs, believe also in my ability to continue blogging. In ICANN’s house, there are still many unregistered domains. If it were not so, I would have told you. I have gone and registered a new domain for you. And now that I have gone and prepared that domain for you, I will blog again to receive your mouse click unto myself, that where I blog, there ye may read, also.


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A. Lee Bennett, Jr.